Henrik Rantzau

Here the shields on Henrik's print can be seen

Generation 13

Generation 14

Generation 15

Generation 16

Henrik Rantzau
* Steinburg 11-03-1526
Johan Rantzau
* Steinburg 12-11-1492
Henrik Rantzau Breide Rantzau #
Drude Rathlau #
Ĝllegaard Buchwald Olde Detlev Buchwald #
Magdalena Markvardsdatter? Hummersbuttel #
Anna Walstorp
* Segeberg 6-04-1509
Gert Walstorp Henricus Walstorp #
Anna Svane #
Catharina Rantzau Henrik Rantzau #
Abela Sehested #
Oedipus II