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Beschrijving - Digitale Signaal Generator voor het testen van UAC compliant adapters.
This test application plays digitally generated pcm waveform audio. It optionally records that pcm waveform audio into the test.wav file. It may be interrupted by hitting the Ctrl+Break or Ctrl+C keys.
Using e.g. uacdsg /a3 /b32 /c2 /f1000 /s192000 acquires the Ampmix03 device and plays a 1000 Hz sine wave as 32-bit, stereo, 192000 Hz pcm audio.
All parameters are optional and case sensitive. An invalid character truncates the argument value. The sequence of the arguments is not important.
/aN - adapter number. Proper values for N are 0 up to 8. Choose the appropriate adapter. Defaults to 3 i.e. Ampmix03.
/bN - bits. Proper values for N are 8, 16, 24, 32. Choose what your adapter supports. Defaults to 32 bits.
/cN - channels. Proper values for N are 1=mono, 2=stereo. Choose what your adapter supports. Defaults to stereo.
/fN - signal frequency. Proper values for N are 0 up to the nyquist frequency. Choose what frequency to generate. Defaults to 1000 Hz.
/iN - invert. Proper values for N are 0=none, 1=left, 2=right; 3=both. Choose which channel to invert. Defaults to none.
/mN - mute. Proper values for N are 0=none, 1=left, 2=right; 3=both. Choose which channel to mute. Defaults to none.
/rN - recording. Proper values for N are 0 (no recording) up to 300 seconds. Choose how long to record. Defaults to no recording.
/sN - sampling rate. Choose what your adapter supports. Defaults to 19200 samples per second.
/vN - volume. Proper values for N are 0 (maximum) up to 192 (minimum). Choose volume in -1dB units. Defaults to maximum volume.
/wN - waveform. Proper values for N are 1=sine, 2=square, 3=triangle, 4=sawtooth. Choose waveform type. Defaults to waveform sine.