Chapter:-Cockpit construction- 

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Sorry, but I didn't take a picture of the action cutting out the cockpit recess opening. An exciting job because I had no prior experience, while it concerned a very thin wavy part.
The edge was sanded at a 45 degree angle. After this I started assembling strips at right angles to the rest of the deck strips.
This picture shows the special use I made of some heavy tools and clamps.
I did 6 small strips a day, it took just a few days.
I used a paper pattern to mark and saw out the cockpit. I forgot once more to take a picture of the sawing action.
A 'Dremel' tool was used to cut the edge at a 90 degree angle.
The challenge of glueing 125 short strips vertically was gravity. Before I knew it, they fell into de boat. Planning how to do it before using the glue kit was important.

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