Our home in Bingelder (= Bingelrade)

february 14, 2003: the last day!

And with this we arrive at the last day: february 14, Valentine's Day. The last day to say our "love" to our old flat....
Boi had had a nightwatch, so he was picked up at his job by Nicole. We went straight to the flat. We were a bit early, so we went by Frank and Rudy to wait there. They've been neighbour's neighbours for years now, and are, after us, longest residents by far. They've become very good friends, so they were glad to have us for a moment.
After that we skipped a door to our own, empty, flat. Boi took some pictures of the view, which will be posted here shortly.
That done, Boi took a last, silent, tour of the flat where he used to live, 14 years on his own, and 4 years with Nicole. There's one thing he'll never forget: standing in the empty bedroom, he was overwhelmed with the thought: "how in the world am I going to get a bed AND a chest into THIS room????" They've both been there for over four years, but just now the flat looked awfully small and smothering.
Right on schedule, the landlord arrived, accompanied by the new tenants. There was an obligatory tour of the flat, a summing up of the end-total, and then the moment arrived to deliver the keys.
Flatless we called at Rudy and Frank's door, for a last goodbye. Just a hop nextdoors for a DVD, a CD, a cup of sugar, or a chat, is history from now on.... We will visit them just the same because they are good friends!
But nevertheless, to Boi it was a (verrrrrry short) hard time. He's lived there for 18 years, and now he's got to abandon it to a new tenant....
This feeling , of course, only lasted for five minutes. Downstairs we agreed to buy a DVD to celebrate (we bought "The Godfather part I-II-III collection"), and to dine out for the evening. The latter we didn't do, because we realized it was feb 14, and a lot of people might have had the same idea.
Let's go home? Let's go home! To Bingelder!
Oh, by the way: we went past the bank. During packing Boi noticed he had an account which was very ancient but had a substantially nice sum of money on it. Savings for the new house!

Well, that's it for this little weblog. We've moved to Bingelder for sure now. Keep an eye on the rest of the site for updates of our adventures there.

8 february 2003       <home>