Our home in Bingelder (= Bingelrade)
february 08, 2003: the big day!
Indeed: today, februari 8, 2003, was the big day. We
moved to Bingelder! For an account of that, see below, but first we have
to tell about the previous days. Since our ADSL-connection was down for
another couple of days, we thought it not necessary to focus on this
site. But Lo and Behold, on friday-afternoon we were up again! Sixteen
(!) mails, amongst them four spams, and two mails of people who had
phoned because they didn't get a response.... And a virus-attempt, but
we're still running Linux. Gna, gna, gna!
Okay, the first two days. Nicole was mainly busy with unpacking and
decorating. A lot of work, but not much to tell about it.
Dad and Boi have been working in the computer-room. Sawing, drilling,
fixing, you name it.

But isn't it a nice room now? You just wait untill all PC's are
unpacked, and humming away. There's going to be a page about that too.
We didn't do a lot on friday. Dad had to get back to Maastricht, and
Nicole and Boi spent most of the day in the flat, packing a last few
things. By the time it was five pm, both their candles died: a real and
genuine burn-out. We crashed on the floor, in front of the tv, and
Jan was expected to arrive at 8 pm, all the way from the north of
Limburg, to help with the move. He didn't know the way to Bingelder, so
we waited for him at the flat.

The plan was to disassemble a chest with Jan, but even that was too big
a job for tired old Boi. And all the light-fixtures, except for the one
in the living room, were gone. So we didn't linger another moment, and
headed for Bingelder right away. Jan was totally in awe of our house!
We spent the evening chatting, and did some small chores as well. Jan
owns a beautiful, old Volvo stationcar, and he was willing to move some
precious stuff we didn't want to be moved in the truck. Like our tv, for
instance, which had to be newly trained for the changed frequencies.

And finally, it was saturday-morning, the day of our move. After a
small breakfast the three of us went to Sittard, whre the rest of our
friends, the crew for the day, would join us.
The crew being, in order of arrival: Bart, Marco, Serve, Dad, Jos, Em,
and Howard. The last one had some trouble finding us between Bingelder
and Sittard. Oh well, a philosopher, what did you expect.... ;-).
After a short explanation of what was expected of them, the crew
started working. And they were incredibly fast. It all went a lot faster
than we had thought. By 11.30 was as good as empty. A lot of stuff was
packed beforehand, and the boxes were in the garage; only the big stuff
was still upstairs. It was time to go to Bingelder.
When we arrived, we first emptied the cars, and then we went to the bar
nextdoor for lunch.

That lady in the red sweater is Tanja, owner of the bar and our
After a very good lunch, we unpacked the truck.
That went very fast as well, because the crew started a line all by
themselves. Nicole and boi had labeled all boxes and other stuff with a
room number (from 1 thru 5), so everyone knew what to do.
Tehy even had time for some fun:

We had to take another trip to the flat, for the big furniture and
other stuff, like plants that had to be secured in the truck. That took
some time. But it was out of the truck in a flash in Bingelder.
After a hard day's work it's time for some good chow. Ma and Em had
taken care of that: they had made two large pots of hearty soup. We had
the choice between two kinds, so almost everyone took both.
With a full stomach and a load of thanks, most helpers started leaving.
We did a lot of work together today, and much faster than we'd thought.
Nicole and Boi were very tired, but still too tense to sit down. So
they some little chores, that were fun as well. Like Boi, who arranged
his collection of beer-glasses:

But even that after an hour. We were dog-tired. We slept very well that
night, in our own home, with all our own stuff in it.
Thanks Bart, Marco, Serve, Pa, Jos,
Em, and Howard!
And guess who did the most work?
And who didn't?

february 5, 2003
february 9, 2003