Our home in Bingelder (= Bingelrade)

february 05, 2003:

Look at this:




Today A. and B. came to visit us, to paint a beautiful mural on one of our walls in the living room!
They arrived at 9 am. First thing of course was a cup of coffee. We chatted a bit, and naturally they got a tour of the new house.
After that, it was time to get the paint and the brushes. Especially A. was looking forward to the job. She started immediately, by painting two large ears. B. took his time, but he liked doing this, he said. It was a first time for both of them, they never did murals before...
Nicole was busy in the kitchen, unpacking, but she couldn't resist the temptation by peeking around the corner regularly. To make pictures, of course. Boi, on the other hand, had to leave. He had to go to the DIY-shop for benches and stuff.
Halfway through, say about the end of the topmost series of pics, it was time for a break. They had a soda, and a cookie, thinking about what to do next on the mural.
After this break it was time for the serious stuff: finding the best colours to make this the best painting yet.
B. chose, in accordance with his personal style, to go for fiery and wild. In his enthousiasm he used a bit too much of the paint; he was in dire need of an old newspaper to keep the paint from dripping. The result was a very recognizable B.-painting: a nice, rudimentary, almost abstract bear, brought on with a thick brush and bright colours. He used almost all of the available space.
Very surprising, A. chose a more subdued style. Black and white, with a dash of red, on a nice blue background. The result: a funny, merrily laughing fantasy-animal, with the centre of gravity at about one third from the bottom.
In the meantime they had had another break for lunch, on camping-chairs, with buns and salads.
After they both decided it was at it should be, everyone was called to the living room to admire their work. Nicole and Boi were very surprised. The mural was beautiful, even better than they had thought it would be! We are very proud of this mural. It will allways be the merry part of our living room!

Dad and Boi were, naturally, back from the DIY-shop. They were very busy in the computer-room. Boi wanted two long benches alongside two entire walls, where all his computers can make a LAN. This turned out to be not as easy as they thought: the outside wall is extremely hard. They had to stop at several occasions, to try and drill a hole a few inches left or right instead. This took a lot of time; at the end of the day they were only halfway through. The plan was to be ready at the end of the day. Oh well, there were some things on the to-do list that can wait.....

Finally, the helpdesk could tell us the reason why our ADSL-connection still isn't up: KPN (dutch telecom) was too fast at first, they had moved the connection the very same day, then immediately saw their mistake and undid it. And by that the order went down to the bottom of the stack. "Maybe the mechanics will see the second mistake by themselves, and change it tomorrow. If not, I'll have to write a second order, which will be completed starting next week." I'll refrain myself from any comment, except for this:


So this page will hit the net at the end of next week as well.

 february 4, 2003       <home>        february 8, 2003