Ons huis in Bingelder (= Bingelrade)

february 04, 2003:

avondLast night was the first night that Boi stayed at the new house. Dad stayed as well. They spent the evening by watching tv (Dad brought this from home). Together with a beer, it was an evening well spent.
They slept very well: it is very quiet. Boi woke from the sound of the first car that left the street. At the flat, there's a freight-train coming by every twenty minutes...

This morning they ate a quick breakfast and coffee. After that, it was back to work again: painting the dining room. By the time Nicole arrived they were almost done.
Boi's sister, and Ma, arrived as well. Nicole and Sis started painting the kitchen-cabinets, while ma helped the guys.
They did a lot of work.
Unfortunately Boi had an appointment in the afternoon, so he had to leave. By the time he got back, all the work planned for the day was done.
So, everyone took a seat, and had a chat. Late in the afternoon Sis and the kids, who came over for a visit as well, went back home.
Later a friend, who's a plumber, come over to see what needed to be done, so he can bring his tools when he comes to help out.
And tomorrow is the day the living room will be the nicest for miles around!
The ADSL-connection, at least the provider-part of it, still isn't up. Tomorrow, they promised. Like they did yesterday. So this page will be a bit later as well.

Watching tv last night.                                                          Sis paints.                                                        The kitchen is done.

 3 februari 2003       <home>        5 februari 2003