Our home in Bingelder (= Bingelrade)
february 03, 2003:
We did a lot today. We were a bit late, but started immediately. The
living room is ready! All other three walls are painted as well. They
were plastered, so they only needed one layer of paint. Dad and Boi did
it all on an afternoon. It was worth the work!
Nicole started painting the kitchen. She got help from Ma, who also cleaned the windows downstairs.
Later Nicole and Boi paid a visit to A. and B. to invite them for next wednesday.
And they went to the flat to get the PC. And guess what? The
ADSL-connection was moved, as it should be, but apparently we had to
tell the provider as well about the move. So we've got a connection,
but nowhere to go with it. This page will therefore be posted at a
later moment.....

Dad paints,
and Ma
cleans the windows.

Nicole paints the kitchen.

The living room is done!
2 februari 2003 <home> 4 februari 2003