gb_general.htm fischertechnik fansite  

I started at the end of 2005 with this website. The intention was to make an online scrapbook about my hobby, fischertechnik. I have digital pictures of recent models, but also I did scan pictures of older models. Unfortunately I do not have any photographs of my models made in my youth years.

For this website, 1024x768 is is the optimal screen resolution.


Used software:

Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows 95 Operating systems, on which the website is tested.
Internet Explorer 6.00 including Javascript. Internet browsers, on which the website is tested.
Netscape 7.2
Mozilla Firefox 2
Notepad All pages of this website have been made with the windows notepad.
Explorer To upload files to the website.
Irfranview 3.99 For graphics and photo editing.
Adobe Photoshop 7.0
SmartDraw 4 For various illustrations.
Drawperfect 1.1 For various illustrations, made under MS-DOS.
tip Convert WPG illustrations to JPG-format.
UnFREEz 2.1 For gif-animations.
Van Dale Groot woordenboek
- Nederlands-Duits
- Nederlands-Engels
For translations.
Euroglot 4.0


Used websites:

Search engines, to search for websites related to fischertechnik.
AltaVista Babel Fish Vertalen Websites for computer translations.
Webstats4U - Gratis web site statistieken Eigen homepage website teller Motigo Webstats (Webstats4U) Website for internet statistics.


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Dave's models