
"Het Hungerink" in Eefde is not just a farm, rather a "castle". It is near Zutphen 20 miles west of Neede. The main building is called "Groot Hungerink" and next to it is a villa called "Klein Hungerink": Great and Little Hungerink. As early as 1318 there is a reference to the the farm "Hungerynck", being one of eight that constituted the "Marke Angeren", a small community of farmers. Since then it has been mentioned in 1401, 1494 and 1646. The farmers would gather in "de Laatste Stuiver" ("the Last Dime", a pub), the house is still there. In the vicinity is a farm called "'t Hungerinkskamp". This must be the "Hongerinckkamp", a piece of farm land which was mentioned already in 1461.

At the end of the 19th century there even was a train station Hungerink, called after the mansion nearby. The origin of the name in Eefde, and if there is any connection with Noordijk or Stokkum, is not known. The Dictionary of Geographical Names 1884 has the entry: "Hungerink, formerly Noble House in the Countship of Zutphen". In 1985 it was in use as a home for the mentally handicapped. According to "Monty Python", quite an improvement.

Sofar no Hungerink's having lived in Eefde were found. In 1985 I made a note that the "Twentse Almanac 1983" *) mentioned "a Nobleman Hungerink, who came from Honger". Would he have anything to do with this? I would be very gratefull for more information on all the above.

*) note: Twentse Almanak 1983 of 1982 of eerder, scheur/spreukenkalender "elke dag een blaadje" achterop staat: "Edelman Hungerink kwam van Honger...". Wie weet meer?

sources: W v d Kamp, B J Hekket.

A photo of Groot Hungerink found in: Jaarverslag Eefdese Tehuizen 1977/1978.

Klein Hungerink

The owner reported the text on the "First Stone":

Eerste steen gelegd door
H.C.A. Ruempol
Maart 1839.