Johanna Maria Hendrika van Schaik

(female) age: unknown


Hendrik Dirk van Schaik
* on 06-05-1895 in Delft
† on 30-03-1980 in Delft [] on 02-04-1980 in Delft
X on 22-02-1924 te Delft Mother:
Johanna Maria Hendrika van Velzen
* on 28-09-1899 in Delft
† on 30-03-1995 in Delft [] on 04-04-1995 in Delft

Brothers and sisters: 9
Aartje Cornelia van Schaik
..... X Frank Stallinga
Johannes Hendrikus van Schaik
    * on 19-04-1926  in Delft   brother 
Sophia Johanna van Schaik
Hendrik Dirk van Schaik
Andries Cornelis van Schaik
Elisabeth Petronella van Schaik
Petrus Johannes Hendrikus van Schaik
Adriana C. van Schaik
Leonardus Johannes Franciscus van Schaik

Note: Age of witnesses are at time of the event, other ages are at time of death or on 18-07-2024.

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