Folding launcher
This is a simple drawing of the folding launcher. The folding launcher has an folding under-carriage with 3 legs. It can be bevided in 2 parts so that it easy can be transported.
When is it expanded the under carriage has a width of about 70 cm.
When it is folded it is about 35 cm by 10 cm.
- Launching tube
Made of two tubes, an inner and an outer tube glued together
so that we get the right diameter.
The outer tube is made of PVC-tube of 33cm long with an outer diameter of 5/8". This tube is glued at the underside to the PVC-coupling piece that is a part of the copper coupling piece (E).
Around this PVC-tube an other PVC tube is glued with an outer diameter of 19mm and an inner diameter a bit bigger than 5/8". This tube is divide in to two peaces with a small empty part of 3 mm to hold the O-ring. (Use only a little bit of glue, or else you can not shove the tubes in each other). The upper part is 299mm long and the under part is 17mm long. (see picture)
Over this construction of the launching tube the rocket can be put. It can not be pushed further than the PVC coupling piece
- O-ring
The O-ring is a standard Gardena garden ring, 12,5 á 13 mm inner and 17mm
outer diameter
- Tie-ribs
Nylon Tie-ribs of 5mm by 1 mm. This tie-ribs will hold the neck of the bottle while we pressurice it. The tie-ribs are hold together by a PVC-ring (H). THe tie-ribs are connected to an element(F). The tie-ribs are about 8 cm longer than the top of the element on witch they are connected. You must find out the right length by exerimentation.
- copper tube 12 mm
A piece of copper water tube of 25 cm long. At the top side connected by a coupeling piec to 15 mm soldered to the coupeling piece from copper to PVC (E).
- Coupling piece copper/PVC
This coupeling peace can be found in special hardware stores for plumber- and installationmaterials. It is be used to make a connection between copper (15mm)and PVC 5/8". It consist of a copper part with a copper nut, a rubber ring and a coupling piece of PVC. (see picture above by A)
- Connection element tie-ribs
Made of (from inner to outher' PVC 5/8", PVC 19 mm glued together. THe tie-ribs are connected with smaller ones on this piece of PVC. 2 pieces of PVC glued together with the tie-ribs wil give enough stranged to resist the force of the pressurised rocket. See picture
- Reinforced tube
10 x 16 mm to hold the tie-rib construction at the top of the launcher (see picture above)
- PVC-ring
that will fit on the neck of the bollte and the tie-ribs
(release mechanism) the right diameter is depended of the rind from the neck of the PET-bottle. It is handy to have a several diverent diameters with you. If necessary you can getthe right diameter by cutting a piece of PVC tube in the lenght an connect it together by heating, glueing ore tape.
- Hing-joint of legs
Made of a piece of copper tube 35 mm long with a diameter of 15mm. This tube can move freely over the copper tube of 12 mm (D) heen. On this piece of copper the hing-jonts for the legs (K) are soldered, these are made of bend copper tube-saddles.
- screw or butterfly screw
With this nu assembled on a part with under it a nut it is possible to fix the hing-joint of the legs (I).
- leg part
THe legpart is made of aluminium 10mm width and
1,5 mm thick and about 145mm long.
- Leg
The 3 legs are made of U-shaped aluminium 10x10mm,
33cm long. With at the end rubber buttons.
The are fixed at the underside of the T-part an a piece of coppertube of 12 mm with bended tube saddels. See the picture with a look form the bottum.
- rubber button
Because of this button the installation wil not slide
- Copper T-part
With this T-part (3x 12mm) the connection is made with a piec of copper to connect the reinforced tube.
- Copper nut
A copper nut to close the copper tube at the bottum (see also the pictuer by L).
- Reinforced tube
10mm inner diameter and 16 mm outer diameter. Can be used for hihg pressure. Take about 7 until 10 meter to get enough distance while you pressurise the rocket.