Kelly's Heroes - Clint Eastwood Collection
In Verzameling
143 min.  / English
DVD  1
Clint Eastwood Lt. Kelly
Telly Savalas Master Sgt. Big Joe
Don Rickles Staff Sgt. Crapgame
Carroll O'Connor Major General Colt
Donald Sutherland Sgt. Oddball
Gavin MacLeod Moriarty
Hal Buckley Captain Maitland
Stuart Margolin Pvt. Little Joe
Jeff Morris Pvt. Cowboy
Richard Davalos Pvt. Gutowski

En 1944, le GI Kelly apprend d'un colonel allemand prisonnier l'existence d'un magot en or. Il met ses hommes au courant de son plan: s'emparer du magot pour leur propre compte. Kelly et ses complices traversent les lignes ennemies auxquelles ils infligent de lourdes pertes. Ils vident la banque où se trouve le trésor et ont le temps de le mettre en lieu sûr avant l'arrivée du général allié Colt et de ses hommes venus leur prêter main forte, pensant qu'ils ont réalisé un haut fait d'armes!
Interesting enough, reading through the comments on this film, I noted only one detractor, some sorehead from Canada who completely missed the point of the film. No, Sr. Canadiense. This is not a serious film about WW2. Read some of the excellent commentaries here about the social and temporal context of this film, i.e., the height of the Vietnamese war. Yes, Sutherland, your fellow countryman, was an active anti-war protester and fully embraced the anachronistic hippie role. The mad-cap story which tweaks the nose of the "establishment," in this case, the military establishment, is plausible when you let go of the blood, guts and glory of the war film genre. And, it is a damn funny film. Eastwood is at his clenched jaw, cynical best; Savalas is great as the Sergeant big-guy; Carrol O'Conner is riotious as the general; Rickles is, well, Rickles. But, Sutherland steals the show. The scenes where they tanks come out blasting the Germans to the tune of twangy Country-Western music is hilarious. Sutherland's out-of-time-sync " negative vibes... hey, man...yeah, baby..." is side-splitting. The final confrontation scene between the three striding up to the German tank commander, with Sutherland loosening his side arm, ala Clint Eastwood in Fist full of Dollars is a riot. This film is full of funny stuff. And, you can see it again and again and find new business to laugh about. Buffs will delight at seeing Harry Dean Stanton in a pre-Repo Man role and Richard Davalos who played James Dean's doomed brother Aron in East of Eden. This is a great piece of satire that was overlooked, cast aside and has still survived to the delight of those of us who enjoy it again and again.
Editie gegevens
Verpakking Snapper
Ondertitels English; French
Geluidssporen English DD (Dolby Digital) 5.1 Surround
French DD (Dolby Digital) 5.1 Surround
Lagen Enkelzijdig, Dubbellaags
Aantal Disks/Banden 1
Persoonlijke Gegevens
Aanschafdatum 18-10-2003
Locatie Rack 3
Eigenaar MV
Conditie Good
Koppelingen Fanpage

Movie Trailer
Production Notes
Scene Access

Goofs: Continuity: When Oddball's Sherman is in the alley behind the second Tiger tank, Kelly fires the Sherman's machine gun at the Tiger to keep the crew inside. The amount of ammunition in the feeder box of the machine gun increases/decreases between shots.