
Dalmannia dorsalis (Gabi Krumm), from Kaiserstuhl region in SW-Germany.



Dalmannia are small, broad Conopids with a yellow and black pattern. Their jizz differs considerably from the elongate Conopinae and Myopinae. Adults visit flowers of Ranunculacaea, Veronica, Rubus, Cirsium and Carduus (Kröber, 1930).


1.a. Scutellum partly yellow, at least at margin -> 2

1.b. Scutellum black; abdomen: tergite 3 to 5 black with a yellow triangle on the median part. 3.5-5 mm. B, D. -> Dalmannia marginata Meigen

2.a. Abdomen: tergites 3 and 4 dorsally yellow with one or two rows of black dots. Small species: 4-6 mm -> 3

2.b. Abdomen dorsally black with yellow hind margins on the tergites; coxa 1 yellow. Large species: 9-10 mm. D. -> Dalmannia aculeata Linnaeus

3.a. Abdomen: tergite 3 and 4 with a single black dot on the middle. 4-6 mm. NL, B, D -> Dalmannia punctata Fabricius

3.b. Abdomen: tergite 3 and 4 with two black dots on the middle; coxa 1 (and the others) black. 6 mm. D. -> Dalmannia dorsalis (Fabr.) (= Dalmannia flavescens Meigen)


Van Veen M. 1984. De Blaaskopvliegen en roofvliegen van Nederland en België. Jeugdbondsuitgeverij, Utrecht.

Kröber O. 1925. Conopidae. Fliegen der Palaearktische Region 35. Stuttgart.

Kröber O.. 1930. Conopidae. Tierwelt Deutchlands.

Last updated 22.03.2007