Conopidae keys M. van Veen | ![]() |
1.b. Arista implanted on the side of the 3rd antennal segment -> 6
Antennae of, first, Leopoldius with arista implanted on top and, second, Dalmannia, with arista on side.
2.a. snout short, just surpassing mouth edge -> Leopoldius
2.b. snout long -> 3
Head of Leopoldius with short snout.
3.a. Snout about as long as width of head, in side view reaching front part of face -> 4
3.b. Snout distinctly longer than width of head, in side view surpassing front part of face -> 5
4.a. Thorax partly or completely reddish -> Conops (vesicularis)
4.b. Thorax black with yellow markings -> Leopoldius (capitatus)
5.a. Abdomen petiolate, the smallest point at the border of the 2nd and 3rd abdominal segment; cross vein at the basis of cell R connects to the underlying cell at twothirds of its length -> Physocephala
5.b. Abdomen gradually widening from base to top or about linear; cross vein at the basis of cell R connects to the underlying cell at alf its length -> Conops
Wings of Physocephala (first) and Conops (last).
6.a. Anal cell short, as long as the cell above it -> 7
6.b. Anal cell long -> 8
Wings of Dalmannia (first) and Myopa (last): Dalmannia has a short anal cel (a).
7.a. Female with a long, pointed ovipostor, male with a threadlike appendix to the genitalia -> Dalmannia
7.b. Female with a hardly visible theca, without ovipostor, male without threadlike appendix to genitalia -> Myopa (morio)
Abdomen of Dalmannia, left male, right female.
8.a. Snout bent once at its base; Cell R closed -> Zodion
8.b. Snout bent twice, at its base and halfway; cell R open -> 9
Heads of Zodion, snout bent once and Myopa, snout bent twice.
9.a. Head in side view: part under eyes at most half as long as the length of the eyes -> 10
Head of Myopa, with face extending wide below eyes.
10.a. Black to grey flies; 3-8 mm -> Thecophora
10.b. Brown flies; 8-10 mm -> Sicus
11.a. Abdomen shorter than wings, dorsoventally flattened; arista thick, clearly two segmented -> Myopa
11.b. Abdomen as long as or longer than wings, round; arista fine, hardly segmented -> Melanosoma
Chvala M. 1961. The Czechoslovak species of the subfamily Conopinae. Acta Univers. Carol. Biologica Praha, p: 103-145.
Chvala M. 1965. The Czechoslovak species of the subfamilies Myopinae and Dalmaniinae. Acta Univers. Carol. Biologica Praha, p: 93-143.
Kröber O. 1925. Conopidae. Fliegen der Palaearktische Region 35. Stuttgart.
Kröber O.. 1930. Conopidae. Tierwelt Deutchlands.
Smith K.G.V. 1969. Conopidae. Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects X-3a, p: 1-19.
Van Veen M. 1984. De Blaaskopvliegen en roofvliegen van Nederland en België. Jeugdbondsuitgeverij, Utrecht.
Last updated 28.03.2010