Curriculum Vitae

Frans C.H.D. van den Beemt, Nationality: Dutch

Ir. degree (M.Sc.) in physics, June 1973, University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Dr. degree (Ph.D.) Science Studies, June 2000, University of Leiden, The Netherlands

1970 - 1973 Teaching Assistant, University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

1973 - 1974 Research Fellow, Department of Experimental Nuclear Physics, University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

1974 - 1977 Teacher in Physics and Mathematics, Eckhart College, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

1977 - 1981 System Engineer, Machines & System Group Holec, Ridderkerk, The Netherlands

1981 - 1998 Program Director, Technology Foundation STW, Utrecht, The Netherlands

1998 - ....... One man consulting firm: VdBeemt 2G Advies


Van den Beemt, F.C.H.D. and Le Pair, C. 1983. ‘Appraisal of peer review’ 4S Conference, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA.

Van den Beemt, F.C.H.D. 1987. 'Beoordelen van kwaliteit van (voorgenomen) wetenschappelijke activiteiten' (Quality assessment of -proposed- scientific activities), Annual Report 1987, SVO Institute for Educational Research in The Netherlands. (on invitation).

Van den Beemt, F.C.H.D. and Le Pair, C. 1991. 'Grading the Grain: consistent evaluation of research proposals', Research Evaluation, vol. 1, no. 1, April 1991, 3-10.

Van den Beemt, F.C.H.D. and Van Raan, A.F.J. 1995. 'Evaluating research proposals', Nature, vol. 375, 25 May 1995, 272.

Van den Beemt, F.C.H.D. and Van Raan, A.F.J. 1995. 'What do bibliometrics and peer review of research proposals have in common?', Proceedings of the European Conference on Management of Technology, Aston University, Birmingham, 5-7 July 1995, 685-691.

Van Caulil, G.F. and Van den Beemt, F.C.H.D. 1996. 'Toepassing onderzoek nauwelijks meetbaar - jurering is redelijk objectieve methode', De Ingeneur nr. 4 (1996), 17-19.

Van Caulil, G.F., Mombers, C.A.M. and Van den Beemt, F.C.H.D. 1996. 'Quantifying the utilization of research: the difficulties and two models to evaluate the utilization of research results', Scientometrics, vol. 37, no. 3 (1996), 433-444.

Van den Beemt, F.C.H.D. 1997. 'The Right Mix: Review by Peers as well as by Highly Qualified Persons (Non Peers)', Australian Research Council Commissioned Report: 'Peer Review Process' No.54 (1997), 153-164.

Van den Beemt, F.C.H.D. 1997. 'Evaluating Prediction of Technology Transfer Success: An Interim Evaluation of the Dutch Sensor Technology Program', The Journal of Technology Transfer, vol. 22, no. 2 Summer 1997, 53-58.

Van den Beemt, F.C.H.D. 2000. ‘Grasping the ungraspable: assessing the contribution of academic research to economic utility’ Ph.D. thesis University of Leiden. Promotor: Prof. Dr. A.F.J. van Raan; Referent: Prof. Dr. Ir. B.P.Th. Veltman.

Van den Beemt, F.C.H.D. 2001. ‘The use of academic research for technological development’ Invited lecture by RAWOO the Netherlands Development Assistance Research Council. Proceedings: ‘Utilization of Research for Development Cooperation, Linking Knowledge Production to Development Policy and Practice’ Publication no. 21, May 2001, 18-27.

Advisory board

International Executive MBA Program in Business Informatics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, department of Economics and Business Administration. Lecture on: 'the interaction between government and industry in the field of R&D', 27 September 1991.

ESRC Workshop on Peer Review in the Social Science, London, UK, on the invitation of the Science Policy Support Group. Lecture on: 'Using lay persons in peer review', 28 February 1994.

ARC Workshop on Peer Review, Canberra, Australia, on the invitation of the Australian Research Council. Lecture on: 'Review by Peers as well as by highly qualified Persons', 10 December 1995.

ONR Seminar on Science and Technology Management, Arlington, USA, on the invitation of the Office of Naval Research, 18 December 1997.

Member of the Advisory Board of the International research Centre for Telecommunications-Transmission and Radar (IRCTR), Delft, Netherlands, since January 1998.

Frequently consultated by the Dutch Government and participant in advisory committees in the Netherlands.

Other assignments

Several invited lectures (Russia, USA, Australia, UK, EU, KiVi, Universities, TNO, Innovation Centra, etc.).

Participation in the annual 4S/EASST Conference as session chairman on topics of 'Peer Review' and 'Evaluation of Research Programs', since 1983.

Participation in the annual AEA Conference: on the topic of 'Evaluation of Technology Programs', since 1996.

Review of the management of the R&D programme of TNO-TPD Delft on request of the board of directors. TNO-TPD has approximately 400 employees. (1996)

Supervision of the final work of drs. G. van Caulil in order to get his Master's Degree (see also under Publications). (1996)

Initiator and secretary of the Sensortechnology Platform,1984-1999.

Initiator of the International Research Centre for Telecommunications-transmission and Radar@ IRCTR, Delft, (1992)

Initiator and secretary of the Clean and Efficient Combustion Platform, 1996-1999

Sabbatical leave 1997: from 1 October till 19 December as a visitor of the National Science Foundation at Arlington, USA. Study of technology transfer from universities to industry in the USA.

Invited contribution to the Peer Review Guide, prepared by the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Peer Review Task Force, August 2004.

Invited contribution to the Automotive Cluster Report “Te Land, Ter Zee en in de Lucht”, Automotive Technology Centre ATC, Eindhoven, December 2004.

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