Edit menu (level 15) Alt E shows the edit menu: |
Programs can be edited with the edit menu. |
Help screen (level 15) Alt H shows the help screen for level 15: |
The help screen shows explanation of the function buttons. |
Clear memory (level 152)
Alt N clears the memory. If applicable, you are prompted to save program data: |
Edit a program (level 154) Alt E starts edit a program in the format 'statement list'. |
Enter on each line: command, datatype and number, and optional comment. Command and datatype in capitals. Use the cursor keys, Tab and Enter to navigate between the fields. |
Edit a program (level 155) Alt L starts edit a program in the format 'ladder'. |
Select a line and choose delete, edit or insert. Note: Only function delete is functional. |
Edit a monitor interface drawing (level 158) Alt L starts edit a monitor interface drawing. |
Choose dline or circle. Note: This screen is not functional. |
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