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import contacts in Lotus Organizer

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How to import your contacts in Lotus Organizer

The C2F utility lets you write all the information in your Psion's Contacts application to a plain ASCII-file using comma's to separate the fields from each other. This file can be used to import your contacts in the Adress section of Lotus Organizer. On this page you will find step-by-step instructions to get this job done.
Please be aware of the fact that this is a one-way conversion from Psion to Lotus Organizer. Until now I haven't found a way to synchronise adresses between the two programs.

Part A Exporting Contacts to file
Step 1 Since C2F comes as a SIS-file installation is a real piece of cake. Just copy the SIS-file from your computer to your Psion. Then tap twice to install the program. When the installer is finished you will find the C2F icon on the Extra's bar of your Psion.
Step 2 Start C2F by tapping the program's icon. The program shows you it's first screen that allows you to enter information such as the name of the output-file etc. (click here for a screenshot (6K)
Step 3 On this screen we have to tell C2F how we want the data to be written to file, where the source file can be found, the name of the output file and where this file has to be created. Change the default-settings as follows:
  • ASCII Filename: Export.txt (or any other name that comes in mind)
  • Folder: tap the input field twice then choose the target folder from the list
  • Disk: C
  • Sort order: Last name then First name
  • Write labels as header row: Yes
  • Combine first and last names: No
  • Text qualifier: Double quote
  • Field separator: Comma
  • End of line markerCR+LF
Tap the 'Continue' button or press Enter. This brings up a dialog-box where you should tap the 'Continue' button or press Enter again.
Step 4 The next screen allows you to select the fields that you want to include in the export file. For our purpose this is not necessary. Just tap the 'Select all fields' button to make C2F write all data to the export file. C2F will teminate itself when the export file is written to the folder you specified.
Step 5 Copy the ASCII-file that has been created by C2F to your OS/2 computer.

Part B Preliminary actions
Step 1 The fieldnames of the Contacts database on your Psion can be changed if necessary. But when exported using C2F the original english fieldnames are used. Even if you are using another language version of the Psion. Also, there are differences between the structure of the Contacts database on the Psion and the Adress database from Lotus Organizer. This makes it necessary to take some preliminary actions:
  • Start OS/2's Enhanced Editor
  • Open the 'Options' menu, click 'Preferences' and check if the option 'Ring enabled' is marked (with a small dot in front of this text). If not: mark it to enable the editing of multiple files
  • Open the 'File' menu and choose 'Add file'
  • open the ASCII-file with the exported data from your Psion's Contacts application using the 'Add file' dialog box .
  • Mark and copy the first record of this file that holds all the fieldnames
  • Switch to the first (empty) document. To do this: open the 'File' menu, click 'List ring' to open the 'List ring' dialog box. From there choose '.Untitled'
  • paste the record you copied in this document. Put the cursor at the end of this record and press Enter to insert a blank line underneath.
  • Switch back to the ASCII-file using the 'List ring' dialog
  • In the ASCII-file, find yourself a record that has data in (almost) every field. Mark and copy this record.
  • Switch to the other document again using the 'List ring' dialog and paste the record in this document.
Now print this document for use later on when you have to map the fields from your Contacts database to the fields of the Organizer's Adress database.

Part C Importing Contacts in Lotus Organizer
Step 1 Start Lotus Organizer for OS/2 and click the 'Adress' tab to go to the Adress section (screenshot (26K))
Step 2 Open the 'File' menu and click 'Import' to bring up the Import dialog screen (click here for a screenshot (15K)). On this screen:
  • Specify the name of the ASCII-file that holds your data. You can use the 'Drives', 'Directories' and 'Files' boxes to navigate to the right file.
  • Check if 'Into section' is set to 'Adress'
  • Click the 'Options' button and activate both the 'Ignore duplicate records' and 'Field names as first record' checkboxes. Leave the 'File translation' to its default setting 'current codepage (no translation)'
  • Click 'OK' to the import screen
Click the 'Mapping' button to open the Import mapping dialog box
Step 3 Each record of your exported Contacts database holds a number of fields. Fields are separated from each other by comma's. Also, each entry in the Adress section of Lotus Organizer contains a number of fields. Most of them are predefined by Lotus. For now this is OK but remember that you can always change the labels for each field in the Adress section (from the 'View' menu choose 'Adress Preferences'. Then click the 'Fields' button).
In the 'Import mapping' dialog box you can define for each field from the import-file (your Contacts) the Organizer field where the information is copied to. You have to 'map' fields from your Contacts database to corresponding files in Lotus Organizer.
To make the best match between the fields from the two databases, use the prints you made in Part B of this 'how to...'. You don't have to import all fields from your Contacts database into the Lotus Organizer. Probably there are more fields in your Contacts database than can be imported in Lotus Organizer.
  • First of all: click the 'Clear all' button to remove Organizer's proposed 'one-on-one' import of all fields
  • On the left side of the dialog is the list of fieldnames available in your Contacts import file. Mark the first field that you want to import.
  • Next: find the matching field the list on the right site of the dialog (the available fields in Organizer) and mark this one as well. If you do this, a black line is drawn between the two fields
  • Now mark the next field you want to import on the left and map it to the appropriate field on the right
  • Repeat this for every field on the left that you want to import in the Lotus Organizer (see screenshot (16kb))
  • When all fields are mapped, click the 'OK' button to return to the 'Import' dialog screen.
  • Click the 'Import' button to start the import from your contacts data in Lotus Organizer.
After all data is transferred you will return to the Adress section from Organizer. Now the imported data will be available on your computer.



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