Tanzania part 1 : Ol Doinyo Lengai expedition,

June 27 - July 6, 2004

Gallery 1 Travel to Ol Doinyo Lengai

Gallery 7 Wildlife around Lengai

Gallery 2 Lake Natron & Ol Doinyo Lengai

Gallery 8 Close up

Gallery 3 Ascent, crater map and camp

Gallery 9 Lava lake adventure

Gallery 4 Active north crater

Gallery 10 People on Lengai

Gallery 5 Eruptions by day

Slide show

Gallery 6 Eruptions by night

Links to other Lengai websites

5 Eruptions during day time

I took a lot of photo's of eruptions during daytime. This is only a small selection of them. Basically we saw two types of lava ; very liquid fast flowing lava from T49B/C, and the slightly more viscous grainier lava from T58B. Fountains on the photo's were caused by that last type of lava.  

    Previous Gallery : 4 Active north crater  
    Next Gallery : 6 Eruptions by night  




All images on this site are copyright ŠPatrick Koster and can not be used without permission.
This site was last updated 23-Oct-2004