A Mastermind game based on numerals instead of colorsPlay the familiar game Mastermind with numerals instead of colors and have a hunt for a secret number. The random number is generated by your calculator. Available 'colors' are the numerals from 1 to 9.
The second examination leads to [1 1], meaning one right numeral at the right position and one right numeral at a wrong position. From both responses it follows that the number in demand holds no nines.
This Mastermind game can be played at different levels of difficulty. Just make the program generate a random number with more or less digits. To do so, put in a "0", press Enter more than once to pass through some help screens and select 3, 4, 5 or 6 digits. In case of a six digit number the game could pass as follows.
The first two outcomes indicate a double or triple presence of a numeral in the unknown number. After seven examinations only four possible numbers remain: Memory overflow |
Program Listing[ Remarks ]PROGRAM:MASTRMND "Mem [A]-[D],IJKZ" "ver200410c" [ memories in use, version ] Normal:Float [ > MODE > Normal ] Full 4→K [ → : STO-key ] Lbl A0 [ > PRGM > CTL > Lbl ] iPart(K)→K [ > MATH > NUM > iPart( ] min(max(3,K),6)→K {4,K}→dim([A]) [ > 2nd,MATRIX > MATH > dim( ] [ > 2nd,MATRIX > NAMES > [A] ] Fill(1,[A]) [A]+int(.9*abs(randM(4,K)))→[A] [ > 2nd,MATRIX > MATH > randM( ] K+2→Z (ln(396/391)/ln(2))^.5→J (1–1.5J)/(1–J)*Z→[A](4,1) (1.5Z–[A](4,1))^2/ln(2)→[A](4,2) {1,4}→dim([B]) Fill(0,[B]) {7,4}→dim([D]) Lbl A1 ClrHome [ > PRGM > I/O > ClrHome ] Disp "** Mastermind **","","Find a number of"," digits." [ two spaces in front of "digits" ] Disp "Enter digits","(help:0)" [ 3 spaces between "Enter" and "digits" ] Output(4,1,K) Output(5,7,K) Lbl A2 0→Z Input "Try? ",Z abs(Z)→Z If Z<.1*10^K [ > 2nd,TEST > TEST > "<" ] [ mark the decimal point ] Goto C0 (Z–fPart(Z))/10^K→Z Z–int(Z)→Z Z*10^K→[B](1,2) 0→[B](1,3) 0→[B](1,4) Z→[A](4,3) *row(0,[A],1)→[A] [ > 2nd,MATRIX > MATH > *row( ] row+([A],3,1)→[A] 0→J Lbl A3 J+1→J 10[A](4,3)→[A](4,3) int([A](4,3))→[A](2,J) If [A](2,J)=0 Goto C0 [A](4,3)–[A](2,J)→[A](4,3) If J<K Goto A3 0→J Lbl B0 J+1→J J→I If [A](1,J)≠[A](2,I) Goto B1 [B](1,3)+1→[B](1,3) -1→[A](1,J) [ negation symbol (-), [ not subtraction symbol ] -2→[A](2,I) Lbl B1 If J<K Goto B0 0→J Lbl B2 J+1→J 0→I If [A](1,J)=-1 Goto B5 Lbl B3 I+1→I If [A](1,J)≠[A](2,I) Goto B4 [B](1,4)+1→[B](1,4) -1→[A](1,J) -2→[A](2,I) K→I Lbl B4 If I<K Goto B3 Lbl B5 If J<K Goto B2 [B](1,1)+1→[B](1,1) If [B](1,1)=1 Then [B]→[C] Else (augment([C]T,[B]T))T→[C] [ > 2nd,MATRIX > MATH > T ] End ClrHome If [B](1,1)<8 Then Disp [C] Else [B](1,1)–7→Z For(I,1,7) For(J,1,4) [C](Z+I,J)→[D](I,J) End End Disp [D] End If [B](1,3)<K Goto A2 Disp "" Output(7,1,"Hit! Score:") [A](4,1)–[B](1,1)→Z e^(Z*abs(Z)/[A](4,2))→Z [ e^( : 2nd,ex ] min(Z,1)→Z ([B](1,3)+.7[B](1,4))/K→J 10+90*(.56J+.44Z)*J→Z int((Z+.5)/5)*5→Z Output(7,12,Z) Output(8,5,"(max.100) >>") Pause Goto A0 Lbl C0 ClrHome Disp "Valid","digits: 1-9","" Disp "Invalid attempts","(examples)","3303, 0003, 3" Output(8,1,">>") Pause ClrHome Disp "Response:" Disp "1 Attempt number" Disp "2 Your try" Disp " Numbr of right"," digits at" [ 2 spaces in front of "Numbr" and "digits" ] Disp "3 right position" Disp "4 wrong position" Output(8,1,">>") Pause ClrHome Disp "Change number","of positions:","3,4,5 or 6" Disp "Resume: Stop:0" [ 3 spaces between "Resume:" and "Stop" ] Output(4,8,K) Output(7,1,"info:") Output(8,1,"www.tenhorn.com") Input "Number? ",Z ClrHome If Z=0 Then DelVar [A] DelVar [B] DelVar [C] DelVar [D] Stop End If (Z=K) and ([B](1,1)>0) [ > 2nd,TEST > LOGIC > and ] Then If [B](1,1)<8 Then Disp [C] Else Disp [D] End Goto A2 End Z→K Goto A0
If you need help with programming your calculator, this exercise will put you on the way: Creating a Program for the TI-83 calculator |
Hein ten Horn
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