A Mastermind game based on numerals instead of colorsPlay the familiar game Mastermind with numerals instead of colors and have a hunt for a secret number. The random number is generated by your calculator. Available 'colors' are the numerals from 1 to 9.
The second examination leads to [1 1], meaning one right numeral at the right position and one right numeral at a wrong position. From both responses it follows that the number in demand holds no nines.
In case of a six digit number the game could pass as follows.
The first two outcomes indicate a double or triple presence of a numeral in the unknown number. After seven examinations only four possible numbers remain: Memory overflow |
Program Listing[ Remarks ]PROGRAM:MASTRMND "Mem [A]-[D],IJKZ" "ver200410c" [ memories in use, version ] Normal:Float [ > MODE > Normal ] Full 4→K [ → : STO-key ] Lbl A0 [ > PRGM > CTL > Lbl ] iPart(K)→K [ > MATH > NUM > iPart( ] min(max(3,K),6)→K {4,K}→dim([A]) [ > 2nd,MATRIX > MATH > dim( ] [ > 2nd,MATRIX > NAMES > [A] ] Fill(1,[A]) [A]+int(.9*abs(randM(4,K)))→[A] [ > 2nd,MATRIX > MATH > randM( ] K+2→Z (ln(396/391)/ln(2))^.5→J (1–1.5J)/(1–J)*Z→[A](4,1) (1.5Z–[A](4,1))^2/ln(2)→[A](4,2) {1,4}→dim([B]) Fill(0,[B]) {7,4}→dim([D]) Lbl A1 ClrHome [ > PRGM > I/O > ClrHome ] Disp "** Mastermind **","","Find a number of"," digits." [ two spaces in front of "digits" ] Disp "Enter digits","(help:0)" [ 3 spaces between "Enter" and "digits" ] Output(4,1,K) Output(5,7,K) Lbl A2 0→Z Input "Try? ",Z abs(Z)→Z If Z<.1*10^K [ > 2nd,TEST > TEST > "<" ] [ mark the decimal point ] Goto C0 (Z–fPart(Z))/10^K→Z Z–int(Z)→Z Z*10^K→[B](1,2) 0→[B](1,3) 0→[B](1,4) Z→[A](4,3) *row(0,[A],1)→[A] [ > 2nd,MATRIX > MATH > *row( ] row+([A],3,1)→[A] 0→J Lbl A3 J+1→J 10[A](4,3)→[A](4,3) int([A](4,3))→[A](2,J) If [A](2,J)=0 Goto C0 [A](4,3)–[A](2,J)→[A](4,3) If J<K Goto A3 0→J Lbl B0 J+1→J J→I If [A](1,J)≠[A](2,I) Goto B1 [B](1,3)+1→[B](1,3) -1→[A](1,J) [ negation symbol (-), [ not subtraction symbol ] -2→[A](2,I) Lbl B1 If J<K Goto B0 0→J Lbl B2 J+1→J 0→I If [A](1,J)=-1 Goto B5 Lbl B3 I+1→I If [A](1,J)≠[A](2,I) Goto B4 [B](1,4)+1→[B](1,4) -1→[A](1,J) -2→[A](2,I) K→I Lbl B4 If I<K Goto B3 Lbl B5 If J<K Goto B2 [B](1,1)+1→[B](1,1) If [B](1,1)=1 Then [B]→[C] Else (augment([C]T,[B]T))T→[C] [ > 2nd,MATRIX > MATH > T ] End ClrHome If [B](1,1)<8 Then Disp [C] Else [B](1,1)–7→Z For(I,1,7) For(J,1,4) [C](Z+I,J)→[D](I,J) End End Disp [D] End If [B](1,3)<K Goto A2 Disp "" Output(7,1,"Hit! Score:") [A](4,1)–[B](1,1)→Z e^(Z*abs(Z)/[A](4,2))→Z [ e^( : 2nd,ex ] min(Z,1)→Z ([B](1,3)+.7[B](1,4))/K→J 10+90*(.56J+.44Z)*J→Z int((Z+.5)/5)*5→Z Output(7,12,Z) Output(8,5,"(max.100) >>") Pause Goto A0 Lbl C0 ClrHome Disp "Valid","digits: 1-9","" Disp "Invalid attempts","(examples)","3303, 0003, 3" Output(8,1,">>") Pause ClrHome Disp "Response:" Disp "1 Attempt number" Disp "2 Your try" Disp " Numbr of right"," digits at" [ 2 spaces in front of "Numbr" and "digits" ] Disp "3 right position" Disp "4 wrong position" Output(8,1,">>") Pause ClrHome Disp "Change number","of positions:","3,4,5 or 6" Disp "Resume: Stop:0" [ 3 spaces between "Resume:" and "Stop" ] Output(4,8,K) Output(7,1,"info:") Output(8,1,"www.tenhorn.com") Input "Number? ",Z ClrHome If Z=0 Then DelVar [A] DelVar [B] DelVar [C] DelVar [D] Stop End If (Z=K) and ([B](1,1)>0) [ > 2nd,TEST > LOGIC > and ] Then If [B](1,1)<8 Then Disp [C] Else Disp [D] End Goto A2 End Z→K Goto A0
If you need help with programming your calculator, this exercise will put you on the way: Creating a Program for the TI-83 calculator |
Hein ten Horn
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