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File menu (level 14)

Alt F shows the file menu:


Programs can be loaded and saved with the file menu.

Explanation of the function buttons (level 14):
HELP Alt H Shows the help screen for level 14.
LOAD Alt L Load a program.
SAVE Alt S Save a program.
INFO Alt I Shows folder information.
EXIT Alt X Back to the main menu.

Help screen (level 14)

Alt H shows the help screen for level 14:


The help screen shows explanation of the function buttons.

Load a program (level 143)

Alt L opens a dialog to load a file from disk into memory.

Enter the filename:


If the file exists, it is loaded into memory:


Now choose from the main menu for EDIT edit or RUN run.

Save a program (level 144)

Alt S opens a dialog to save a file from memory onto disk.

Enter the filename:


If the file does not exist, it is saved on disk.
If the file already exists, it is overwritten on disk.


Now choose from the main menu for RUN run or EXIT exit.

Folder information (level 145)

Alt I opens a dialog to enter a filename mask.

Enter mask:


The default mask is *.* (all files).




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