© M.P. van Veen - vernieuwing: 30.12.2009

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Key to the conopid flies of Northwestern Europe updated. 28.03.2010.

Addendum Hoverflies of Northwest Europe extended with nordic species. 30-12-2009.

kenmerkengids sprinkhanen sterk uitgebreid. Identification guide for grasshoppers and crickets extended. 23-12-2009.

Kenmerkengids libellen volledig vernieuwd, met vele nieuwe kenmerken. Identification guide to dragonflies and damselflies completely renewed. 28-12-2008.

Addendum for the book 'Hoverflies of Northwest Europe' reinstated. 1-2-2008.

A Bee-fly key (Diptera: Bombyliidae) is added to the site. 23-1-2008.

This page was badly in need of revision. I updated all links and actualized the news. I translated the page to English. 15-1-2008.

Linked a photo site to this website using JAlbum. It is not integrated to the main site, but I am working on integration. Be aware: I guess the index pages are well accessable by PDA, but the photo pages themselves are not suited for small screens. 31-12-2007.

I worked through all my 2006-photo's and selected a number of new grasshopper photo's. These are added to the grasshopper guide. New photo's of Tetrix subulata, Tetrix ceperoi, Chorthippus montanus, Phaneroptera falcata, Metrioptera brachyptera, Omocestes viridulus and rufipes, Myrmeleotettix maculatus. 1-1-2007.

The Rhagionidae-key is completely renewed: keys in english, images from collection specimens added and the key is extended to Northwest Europe. 27-12-2006.

Added sounds of all Dutch grasshoppers and crickets to grasshopper and cricket guide. 29-9-2005.

Species guides

Diptera keys

Last updated 31.03.2010