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The @ Files

These discoveries provide food for paranoia and conspiracy...

File # - Our source XX headline:

The file cabinet:

File #20000122a - Our source MH uncovered a fishy announcement from S@h:

" We arrived this morning to find that the astrobiology lab next to the server closet had sprung a water leak and that there was standing water under all of our servers! Luckily nothing was damaged, but we brought everything down until the leak was under control. Our apologies to those participants who we cut off abruptly. All should be OK now. "

Technical News Report of January 21, 2000.

Click the link to view the original item.

A coverup? Our source has some serious doubts about the article: "What does the Berkeley astrobiology lab have in there that requires so much water? Hmmm? Could it be that the answer to S@h's very expensive question IS RIGHT NEXT DOOR?"

What are they keeping in there?

    Suggestions made:
  • a swimming pool and jacuzzi so overworked IT people can relax [yes, they have been working hard lately]
  • a coffee machine [yes, that too]
  • a big water cooler [or ice machine]
  • a tank of fish [alien fish?]
  • the cooling system for frozen alien corpses [corpses I hope or else they are now among us]
  • a dolphin tank to practice communicating with another intelligent species [they got flipper?]
  • a shark tank to deal with patch users [it will be starving with 2.0 out]
Any other suggestions?

File #20000119a - The kids of our source IK discovered that S@h is a player in an extraterrestrial game called gamete:

Official SETI@home logo.
MV @1 (6kb)

Click 'MV @?' (Filesize) for a microscope view of a typical SETI@home Workunit.

Take a look at the official SETI@home logo. What do you see? Well, the kids of our source might be close to the truth. They think the S@h website has a picture of a purple sperm on it. Is S@h just playing games with their subscribers? The words 'servers', 'rankings', 'scores', 'statistics', 'running program', 'sponsors' and 'supporters', are a few that seem to popup occasionally. In fact, behind that game, might they be looking for something else?

Background reading: Panspermia. Cosmic Ancestry.

What game is S@h playing behind our backs?

    Suggestions made:
  • the game of life [everybody is playing it]
  • trying to solve the human genome project [human?]
Any other suggestions?

File #20000116a - Our source CM uncovered a mystery picture from S@h:

What is it?
Detail @1 (117kb) - Detail @2 (39kb)

Click 'Detail @?' (Filesize) to view an enlarged section.

The mystery picture that was found on the servers of SETI@home was never meant to see the daylight. But, thanks to our source (who remains undercover after being harassed by MIB's), it is now in the open. Additionally, professional computer enhancements by a team of well paid experts, have revealed some interesting details. The original picture belongs to SETI@home, though they attempted a formal denial. It is a 5064kb jpeg-file named 'MMan.jpg'. All shown exclusively here on P-f-P, stay tuned.

What is it?

    Suggestions made:
  • x-ray of bones [maybe]
  • x-ray of a knee [someone's wife, who had knee surgery, has testified that it is NOT]
  • naughty bits/butt on a xerox [unlikely]
  • an alien biting on a scale model of a satellite [most likely suggestion until now]
  • black doorknob propping open the lid of an ice-chest [hmmmmm]
  • it's definitely NOT an alien autopsy [discard: conspiracy debunk alarm]
  • an observatory with a scope sticking out but the camera on its side [well, it IS on topic]
  • a scanning microscope's image of some sort of nanoprobe doing something between two synapses in the human nervesystem [right, must be something of some sort]
  • a guy's mouth with a cigarette, MMan.jpg=mouth man [sorry, no prizes to be won]
  • the Galileo spacecraft hovering over a crack on Europa's surface [don't mistake kilometres for miles]
  • osteochondritis dissicans [never trust your landlord, esp. when he is a bone doctor with a sick dog]
  • Bert of Sesame Street eating a licorice candy by flashlight [grin-grin-grin]
  • a hefty download [it certainly was]
  • communication on the Planet of the Apes where they communicate by blowing police whistles [what frequency?]
  • the right elbow of an Imperial Stormtrooper [is the Death Star in the neigbourhood again?]
Any other suggestions?

If you have any SETI@home related conspiracy stories or ideas, flesh them out and let them be heard!