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Latest news:
Most recently updated sections: News/archive pages only.

2004.11.19: It's with great sadness...

...that I learned of the passing away of Roelof J. Engelbrecht. Roelof has been an exemplary contributor to the SETI scene through discussions in the seti forums and not in the least with his beautiful SETISpy tool.

Roelof J. Engelbrecht

My condolences go out to his wife Loela, his family and friends. May Roelof ride peacefully among the stars. Tussen de sterren zult gij verblijven.
- Alfred

2004.10.31: Updates?
I am still collecting data for the stats and the other sections. It's just that I don't have the energy to get it all online. It has been a bad year for me, unfortunately. But on the brighter side, things are looking quite sunny going into the dark of winter.
It's also great to see Classic SETI@home still going strong. The Patch-free-Processing SETI@home-team is doing quite well. Check our team's statspages at SETIatWork, click the banner...

2003.11.18: BOINC Beta with Astropulse.
Account creation for the expanded BOINC Beta test was active today for a few hours. The staff are currently working on several database issues and hope to allow new users signing up again later. So, check the account creation page often if you want to be involved at this early stage.

2003.11.17: Project Phoenix cams online.
Project Phoenix has returned to Arecibo for their Fall 2003 observing session. Say cheeeeese!

2003.11.14: Virus alert.
It's probably the season. Visit the doctor and read the prescription: Information regarding unauthorized installs of SETI@home...

2003.10.06: The roadmap from Classic to BOINC unfolded.
SETI@home: "We will soon release a new version of SETI@home, based on BOINC, a general-purpose platform for distributed computing projects like SETI@home. Switching to SETI@home/BOINC will be easy", details on the transition are here...

News archive...
Development news archive...

Best news so far...
Nope, E.T. hasn't been detected. But...

Ongoing series of articles at the Planetary Society: the recent updates are listed here, most recent first. []

The future looks bright and noisy: the Future directions of SETI@home is a must read section of their website. [2002.08.25]

BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) is an open source platform for large-scale distributed computing projects. SETI@home2 will be a project based on BOINC. [2002.04.28]

SETI@home "is planning to increase the band of the electromagnetic spectrum it analyzes." Read the article at Wired News. [2001.10.06]

The SETI@home project was originally scheduled to end in May 2001. It appears that it will be continued and expanded. Read the articles from The Planetary Society, UC Berkeley News and Mercury Center. [2000.08.08]

From the official project page: "2001 and beyond: Due to the incredible response we will be able to extend SETI@home past its initial two year life span. We're planning for SETI@home II now. We may increase our radio band coverage at Arecibo by adding another recorder system. We may add a recording system to a telescope in the southern hemisphere so we can see an entirely different part of the sky. We'll also add new features to our web site showing more details of the process of the analysis process, and show in more detail your personal contribution to SETI@home."



Latest client version information:

At Berkeley, the latest releases of the SETI@home client software are the versions 3.03/3.04/3.07/3.08, depending on the platform. All are officially available at their website or through their ftp servers.
Version 3.03 is mandatory and results from older clients are rejected. The 3.08 build is what they call a "precautionary security release".
SETI@home under BOINC is currently in a closed Beta phase. See the screengrab here...

Upgrade information is available from the download pages on SETI@home's website and also comes with the install package. Upgrading a client will reset the running workunit and restart from 0%, you may want to finish the current workunit before proceeding with the upgrade.
When upgrading a screensaver version of the client, the screensaver properties are reset to their defaults. Don't forget to check your settings after upgrading.

Main download page:
Directly from their ftp mirrors: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Please consult the README before downloading from the ftp servers.

Info and bugs:
Client Problems and Help:

About changes since version 1.x, SETI@home states:

" Increased security: SETI@home " [version 2.0] " now checks for unauthorized modifications to its data files, and to itself. If it detects tampering, it will discard data files and start over.
Version 3.0 adds science improvements to the operational improvements of version 2.x. "

Read the full articles here:, version30.html, version303.html, version306.html, version307.html and version308.html

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