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Former Links of the Month

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These items were previously Link of the Month and are now grouped here.

SETI@highlights - Former Links of the Month

Check us out...

Link of the Month July 2001 through March 2002, introduced with: Use your spare machine on an alternative crunch...

"The Human Genome Project is nearing completion, and scientists are working hard to develop the understanding needed to use this wealth of genetic information in ways that will be significant to medicine and humankind. One of the most important ways to do this is to study the other genomes and individual gene sequences that are already available to us. By understanding how these genomes work, we will be able to put the huge amounts of data (over 50,000 genes and 3 billion nucleotide base pairs) from the Human Genome Project into biological and medical context, giving it real meaning."

The Genome Collective is a top team to join when crunching for Genome@home,
click banner for details and more.

Genome@home logo

Link of the Month April/May/June 2001, introduced as: Genome@home, understand yourself and your fellow homo sapiens. Don't forget to join the gene pool of the SkzDaLimit Genome Group.

"The Human Genome Project is nearing completion, and scientists are working hard to develop the understanding needed to use this wealth of genetic information in ways that will be significant to medicine and humankind. One of the most important ways to do this is to study the other genomes and individual gene sequences that are already available to us. By understanding how these genomes work, we will be able to put the huge amounts of data (over 50,000 genes and 3 billion nucleotide base pairs) from the Human Genome Project into biological and medical context, giving it real meaning."

A good team to join when crunching for Genome@home, is the
SkzDaLimit Genome Group, team ID number 399880159.

Nasa Ames Clickworkers logo

Link of the Month January/February/March 2001, without introduction.

Ever wanted to work for NASA? Now is your chance! "Welcome to the clickworkers study, NASA Ames's new experiment in volunteer science. There are many scientific tasks that require human perception and common sense, but may not require a lot of scientific training. Identifying craters on Mars is something almost anyone can do, and classifying them by age is only a little harder."

Golem@home logo

Link of the Month November/December 2000, introduced as: Golem@home, a distributed computing project about the evolution of machines. They will feel right @home on your computer as long as you feed them spare cycles. Help them evolve and maybe someday their offspring will grow up to be planetary explorers.

"The field of Artificial Life examines 'life as it could be' based on understanding the principles and simulating the mechanisms of real biological forms. Just as airplanes use the same principles as birds, but have fixed wings, artificial lifeforms may share the same principles, but not the same implementation in chemistry. Every feature of living systems seems wondrous until it is understood: Stored energy, autonomous movement, and even animal communication are no longer miracles, as they are replicated in toys using batteries, motors, and computer chips."

Also check out their official mailing list and the discussion group at eGroups.

Folding@home logo

Link of the Month October 2000, introduced as: Folding@home, a distributed computing project adding a touch of chemistry to the @home formula.

Injecting a down to earth formula into the chemical mix of distributed@home projects.

Also check out the discussion group at QuickTopic.

Clinic Underground

Link of the Month August/September 2000, introduced as: You thought you had both feet back on the ground again when you left The Clinic right? Wrong! It appears the truth lies right under your feet. That's right, underground: Clinic Underground.

Welcome to the Clinic Underground.
"We dig deep for the truth".

Matt Lebofsky's Corner

Link of the Month June/July 2000, introduced as: ... Matt Lebofsky's Corner. Intrigued?

Did you know the people behind SETI@home actually do have a life besides the project? It may be hard to believe at times, but it is true. Check for yourself and discover that Matt is a rather busy (human)bee(ing).

Also check out Matt's personal niche on the Sahsite.


Link of the Month May 2000, introduced as: The brand new 'HubbleSite' from the Space Telescope Science Institute. If you follow just one link this month, let it be that one.

"WELCOME to the Grand Opening of - Out of the Ordinary... Out of this world."

[[]]   Link of the Month/Selected Links.

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