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How to set up SETISpy to automatically store your gaussian GIF files:

Gaussians are analysed by the SETI@home client itself and reported in a file. In order to graph them, you need to run the add-on program SETISpy. It takes snapshots of the gaussians as they appear and stores them in the folder you specify.

Use the autosave function of the latest SETISpy (or KSetiSpy) to automatically grab gaussians that are returned to Berkeley, have a high score or are your personal best. Setup the logging of SETISpy as follows:

Note settings: Autosave=<value> (2x), Format=GIF, Size=Default, Folder=<path\name>. Where <value> is just below your personal best for each graph.

SETISpy will then save the appropriate gaussians in a picture format called 'GIF' in the 'Default' size as required for the CITY@home tables. If you choose a separate folder for saving, it must be an existing folder or one created first.

Periodically look in the folder. Before sending them in for inclusion on the CITY@home tables, check to see if they meet one of the criteria below and only send in the qualifying graphs.

Current criteria for submitting gaussians (only need ONE of):

Top 50 (Signal Ratio) - Signal Ratio above 5.300 AND Fit below 8.8
Personal Best (Signal Ratio) - Signal Ratio higher than previous individual best
Personal Best (Score) - Score higher than previous individual best
Not submitted before?
Just submit any!


Submit your gaussians for inclusion:

Make sure to include the gaussian 'skyline' picture(s) and some personal info. Entries without a 'skyline' will not appear in the tables.
Please specify your CITY@home (that's where you live), this will be used to identify the entries. You can also have your name/nickname and team-link mentioned if you want, this is optional. Check the tables for examples.

Attach in the email a copy of the relevant gaussian GIF-file from your saved gaussians folder (zip them if there are more). The filenames will look something like 13h56m9ra.21d50m23dec.00-11-04.16h07m22-197.gaussian.bestscore.gif, etc. Don't rename them, the filenames contain useful info.

Once you have emailed the gaussian(s), delete or move them all to avoid sending again later.

What gaussians are...