Patch-free-Processing Statement
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Support Patch-free-Processing

Can we count on you?

Ok, you've read the statement and you stand fully behind it, now what?

As said, you can show your support by adding a simple statement to your emails and/or newsgroup postings in times of crisis. Something like the lines below will be clear and has been used before. An added bonus is that it will alert unsuspecting users that there is something amiss.



If you are against patching the SETI@home client, why not show your support here? Seventy-eight supporters and seventeen teams have already endorsed the P-f-P statement. And you can too, here's how...

Send an e-mail with subject "I support P-f-P" and all details for the list to me. Individual support can not be shown anonymously and all details must be provided as this was the format that the initial supporters agreed upon. For team support however, the founder may remain anonymous. Check the entries on the supporters and teams lists to see what is required.

As an additional or alternative option, there is the 'Patch-free-Processing' team. If you are against patching the SETI@home client and are considering to join, visit the P-f-P teampage at Berkeley.

If you are not comfortable with the format as used here on the supporters list, you can still show that support in times of crisis as mentioned earlier and/or join the P-f-P team.

If you want a banner or a contribution medal to show your personal or your team's support on your website, then go to the download page.


' I have made a page with the main events in the history of this website. '

' Your remarks are always welcomed. Keep 'em crunching clean! ' - Alfred Das