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A first look at the v3 betas of the SETI@home client

General info:

The eventual release number will be 3.0x, the latest beta build numbers are 2.76 (Windows/Mac/Solaris) and 2.74 (SCO Sys V5 Unixware 7/SCO 3.2v5.0.x/PC Linux GNU GNUlibc 2.1).

A quote from the Beta Test 3.0 Download Page:

" The big change in 3.0 is vastly improved science - we are now searching for pulses and triplets as well as spikes and gaussians. Web pages describing these in more detail will be up soon on the main home page. Other improvements include optimized FFTs (for faster analysis of wave data) and various bug fixes. "

Copies of the text from the beta download pages: | v2.66 | v2.70 | v2.71 | v2.73 | v2.74 | v2.76 |


A few initial screengrabs with best pulse/triplet displayed.

Screengrab #1, with triplet - "thanks Susan"
Screengrab #2, with pulse
Screengrab #3, with pulse
Screengrab #4, with pulse

Animated gif-file of pulse finding.
The pulse finding in action


Client output:

A recorded triplet from the file 'outfile.sah' of the workunit from screengrab #1.

<ogh ncfft=10 cr=0.000000e+000 fl=128>

triplet: power=8.026052e+000 mean=7.618281e-003 period=2.005403e+000 ra= 5.779 dec= 13.72
time= 2451670.27772 freq=1419284591.67 fft_len=128 chirp_rate=0.000000e+000
<ogt ncfft=10 cr=0.000000e+000 fl=128 cpu=351.409000>

A recorded pulse from the file 'outfile.sah' of the workunit from screengrab #2-#4.
<ogh ncfft=12 cr=0.000000e+000 fl=32>

pulse: power=1.232344e+000 mean=1.981525e-003 period=3.983362e-002 ra=20.351 dec= 18.01
time= 2451671.93677 freq=1420489501.95 fft_len=32 chirp_rate=0.000000e+000 snr=5.877886e+000
thresh=5.780840e+000 len_prof=12 prof=19003b613f4b043e21fe300b
pulse: power=1.409859e+000 mean=1.921246e-003 period=9.299631e-002 ra=20.363 dec= 18.01
time= 2451671.93726 freq=1420493774.41 fft_len=32 chirp_rate=0.000000e+000 snr=6.557748e+000
thresh=6.290464e+000 len_prof=28 prof=ff3e301a37310178354f2d22693e384b54003a541e6f32501e225632
<ogt ncfft=12 cr=0.000000e+000 fl=32 cpu=2993.762000>

The first workunit I processed with v2.66 had a pulse in it that was recorded in the outfile.sah (above). On the S@h website, pulses/triplets are not shown in a workunit's result details yet.

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